Q Active - Q. Can I disable the 'Auto-On' and/or 'Auto-Off' feature of my Q Active system?

Q Active - Q. Can I disable the 'Auto-On' and/or 'Auto-Off' feature of my Q Active system?


The 'Auto-On' and 'Auto-Off' features have been designed to make the Q Active experience as integrated as possible in allowing the system to turn on when it senses an audio signal from an active source, or when not in use, to enter standby after 25 mins saving you energy. Some may find the features restrictive in some way so, there is the ability to turn on/off each of the features independently.

Download and install the the Q Active App for iOS/Android onto a phone/tablet if you've not already done so.

Now open the Q Active app and you'll find yourself on the 'Connected Speakers' page which lists the discovered Q Active systems.  On the line to the right of each listed system is the settings cog wheel icon, tap on this. You'll now find yourself on the 'General Settings' page, tap on the 'Source Configuration' option which will open the 'Source Settings' page, scroll towards the end of the page and you'll find  'Auto ON' and 'Auto OFF' , these are on by default, but to the right of each is an On/Off toggle, tap this to alter how you want your system to react.