Q. Which cables should I use with my Q Acoustics loudspeakers?

Q. Which cables should I use with my Q Acoustics loudspeakers?


QED is our sister company and we always recommend it as many of the products have been developed together with Q Acoustics. In order of priority, we would always recommend using the best single wire speaker connection you can afford. We recommend you use good quality loudspeaker cable and avoid very thin bell wire cable type, a minimum wire gauge of 16AWG should be a starting point. If you then wanted to upgrade, you have the choice of adding QED jumpers or the ultimate upgrade of doubling the cables for full bi-wiring.

3000/3000i Series
3010/3010i: QED Silver Anniversary XT           
3020/3020i: QED Silver Anniversary XT or QED XT40i for the ultimate upgrade
3050/3050i: QED XT40i
3090C/3090Ci: QED Silver Anniversary XT


Concept 20: QED XT40i
Concept 40: QED XT400 or QED Genesis for the ultimate upgrade
Concept 300: QED Genesis
Concept 500: QED Supremus


QED Silver Anniversary XT as nothing above 1.5mm² fits into the terminals